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martes, 30 de julio de 2013

It's your turn! ENERGIZERS

In these days, we have been preparing Energizers, activities to warm our bodies during certain times of day. Now you too can.

If you have any idea to do a Energizers, you can post a comment on this post, or to post your idea.

If you participate, we will have more games. We hope your ideas.

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

Chronicles of UNITED - Chapter 4

Day July 24, 2013

That meeting was helded in Los Alcázares. It was the first time I go to the Young Centre of Los Alcázares. It's cool.

Here, we finally filmed the Murcian UNITED members presentation video. At first we had a discussion beacuse we didn't know if we had made the video in a park or in a football groud. Finally we did it in the park, and it was so funny.

Chronicles of UNITED- Chapter 3

Day July 16, 2013

That day, we distributed the Energizers. Each member is going to prepare you and show you one or two Energizers. For example, me, I will prepare one excercise, a funny dance called Para-Para.

In addition, we made the video presentation assembly with individual presentations.

But the most important thing we did that day was to discuss a famous case of cyberbullying. Truthly, I was thinking in that much time.


In this day so sad for Spain, but mostly sad for Galicia, the Youth correspondents of the Murcia region, the Department of Youth of the municipalities of San Pedro, Los Alcazares and San Javier, the town hall of these municipalities, and the participants of the SJ.3 youth program the municipality of San Javier. We wanted to give our most sincere condolences to all the families of the 80 deceased and wish to wore than 98 wounded a speedy recovery.
Well this news has warked the entire country, Murcia is with Galicia.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

The pics of The third meeting!!

San Javier Youth Program

"San Javier Youth Program" consists in activities for broadcast the information and the movement
social-cultural youth that youth in the municipality organize and prepare.

One of the most knew of that programes is "Las Meriendas del Sj.3", a radio program created specialy
for the Municipality's Youth witch difuses information about sports, humor and youth information.

For example we can appeal various atelieres and sport's activities like sports meetings or the "Taller the creación de blog"

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

The pics of The seconde meeting!!




Chronicles of UNITED - Chapter 2

Day July 15, 2013

We went to the Youth Centre in San Pedro del Pinatar with our partners for join the information about the Exchange.

We've been distributed in three groups.

The first group were in charge of the chronical about the first  meeting of the Exchange and the information about us like who we are or what we do.

The second group were completing the list of the Energeziers we want to enjoy the Exchage, just a little idea of what to do when we'll be together in the Youth Hostel for energize the relationships between us.

The Third group were making a video about the proyect of  the Exchange with our intoducing videos.


The pics of The first meeting!!